Wednesday, January 31, 2018


'Jesus replied to Nicodemus, “I can guarantee this truth: No one can see God’s kingdom without being born from above.” (or born again)' John 3:3


I have heard from both new Christians and non-Christians, statements and questions asking about the skinny on the term "born again".

Now, even in this day and age of  information, if not instant information and information overload, this question still abounds and it is not surprising because there are not really many sources of good information out there. And the sad reality is that there are many sources of bad information. Or of people trying to explain it in a way that is not only hard to understand but also hard to believe.


Now first things first, Jesus of Nazareth was the first person to have been quoted to have spoken this term. It was written that He mentioned this to Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish leaders of his day. Nic secretly met with Jesus one night, with the intent of asking questions that have probably kept him awake for many nights.

Now, even at that time (about 2,000 years ago), this supposedly, if not comparatively well-informed leader of his people, himself could not understand what the term "born again" meant and even with Jesus Christ Himself explaining it to him.


Now to me, it really is not a term or a concept or an idea to grasp.  It is not a question in a quiz or a game show that you need to get right. And it is not about changing religions or about any religion, as one can be born again regardless of one's beliefs or unbelief.

Rather this is something that happens to you -- a singular event, a personal experience, an individual unforced decision, an epiphany, no "the epiphany", and subsequently it is a lifestyle to live.

The Right Time

You will know the time, such as did Nicodemus, when it is the time to seek out the answer to this very same question. And like Jesus did to him, He will meet with you and explain to you this term. Now because Jesus is no longer here on earth in the flesh to meet with, He will meet with us and converse with us through His Spirit and also through His people who have been reborn ahead of you. Now once you've been born again yourself, then your other questions will be answered slowly but surely, one by one, when you start reading Scriptures and listening to bible-based teachings, provided you were indeed born from above.

Free Gift of Love

And He isn't forcing anyone. Remember, He wasn't the one who went to Nicodemus. It was the other way around,  Nic was the one who came to Him, in the dead of night, maybe so as no one would know.

Now all these, He is doing to each one of us, because He really loves us so...even if we do not know it yet as He died on the cross for all of us.

Love Expressed

I know, I may not have really given you much to go on but as I've said being born again is not something anyone would or could force on anyone else. Jesus is not about cramping anyone's style or making you do something you do not want to do on your own accord. If you don't get it, it just might not be the right time for you just yet. But hopefully you are not just being your usual stubborn self, not wanting to step up to the plate, decide or commit just yet, as is your usual MO.

Now, when you are ready, do not waste another minute. Seek out the One who loves you so... come to Him, ask about being reborn. You have been born like everyone else, now find out how to be born from above.

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