Why Not?

Looking For Something

Everybody is looking for something -- big or small, a want or a need, something bigger than themselves, something really significant, something important, the next big thing, or just something to make it through the day, anything really.

Michael Jackson sings it this way. "You wanna be Startin Somethin. You got to be Startin Somethin. It's too high to get over. Too low to get under. You're stuck in the middle. And the pain is thunder."

Bruno Mars puts it this way, "It's a beautiful night. We're looking for something dumb to do."

And Bono of U2 sings, "I have climbed highest mountains. I have run through fields... I have run, I have crawled. I have scaled the city walls... But I still haven’t found what I’m looking for..."

Yes, and it's the same with you. And that is the very reason why you're still reading this. Sadly many people search their whole lives and like Bono said, still didn't find what they were looking for.

Maybe they were looking in the wrong places, maybe they were looking at it the wrong way. I don't know.

Search And You Will Find...

Maybe you've tried religion, science, fortune-tellers, alcohol, entertainment, love, sex, gambling, drugs, relationships, and everything else. But you are still empty inside. There is still that emptiness, that gnawing feeling deep inside you cant put a finger on.

Maybe you've given up on God, on a higher power, on divine intervention or that you do not even believe in a god or not even sure if there is one. Maybe you've tried advocating for something bigger than yourself, saving the environment, saving the whales, saving the earth, fighting poverty, sex trafficking, homelessness, nothing wrong with any of that. But why is there really a need to do that?

If there is no God, no Intelligent Designer, there is really no point in any of these. There is really no purpose to life. It's a dog eat dog world, survival of the fittest. Humans are just like any other animal. Eat, drink, be merry. Bored? Try something new. YOLO.

If there is no God, then these are all there is to life. In the end, nothing you do will matter anyway or will change anything.

Now if you will permit yourself to accept the idea that there is a God, a Creator and that He has revealed Himself to His creation. And that He has made known the purpose why you are here on earth then don't you want to know about it? If you have tried everything else and still just as bored and as unsatisfied as before, then try opening your mind to the possibility that Jesus was a real person and that He said and did some really fascinating things. If you've tried everything else anyway, then why not? Why not try Jesus?